Simmons Winter Break Countdown Calendar- Student Edition
Let's have a little fun during the month of December!
Inclement Weather Dismissal Procedures ☔❄️🌨️
Hello Parents/Guardians,
In the event of inclement weather at dismissal time, our K-5 teachers will escort parent pick up students out the front, main entrance by grade level where they will meet with their parents/guardians. Our Kindergarten and 1st grade students will be dismissed first starting at approximately 3:05pm followed by a staggered dismissal, in grade order, for 2nd-5th grade students. Our preschool students will follow the normal time and location procedures for dismissal.
We ask you to be patient with this dismissal process, as it will take a little longer to make sure each child gets to their parent safely. Announcements will be made over the PA system so you can hear what grade levels are being dismissed next. Please reach out to your child's teacher with any questions/clarifications.
Thank you,
Mrs. Fragoso
Little Clippers Fall Ball 2024: A night of lasting memories, laughter, and friendship! #LittleClippers #FallBall
Preschool Winter Concert Save the Date!
Make your nomination for the 2024 EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR!
Clayton Public School District is accepting nominations for the 2024 Educator of the Year. Nominations can be submitted through our online form, using the following link:
We are excited to shine a light on those who inspire, motivate, and shape the future through their passion for teaching. The deadline for submissions is November 22nd, so be sure to recognize that special educator in your life who goes above and beyond.
Note: Parents, guardians, students, educators, and community members are all welcome to nominate an outstanding educator!
Today, in accordance with state law, Herma Simmons Elementary School conducted a security drill in the manner that we conduct all emergency drills, with seriousness and with sensitivity to our students and staff. Everyone responded appropriately and instruction resumed immediately thereafter. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school. Thank you.
Attention Simmons Parents/Guardians! ❄️🧥
Clayton Public School District celebrates Native American Heritage Month in November as a time to recognize the culture, history, and achievements of Native Americans and Alaskan Natives.
In recognition of Veterans’ Day, Monday, November 11th, Clayton Public School District would like to honor and thank all who served.
Celebrate World Kindness Day with us!
The Clayton Public School District Education Foundation is looking for board members. Clayton's Education Foundation aims to support innovative educational programs and special projects designed to enhance the quality of education and enrich the minds and bodies of students in Clayton schools.
Members will be asked to: attend monthly meetings; assist with the planning of events (such as the Spring Spectacular); and share ideas about new projects that support our mission.
Please submit a brief letter of interest to no later than Monday, November 11th.
Clayton Public Schools will be closed on November 6th, 7th, and 8th.
*There is a District-wide “Teacher In-Service Day” scheduled for November 6th.
*The 2024 NJEA Convention will be held on November 7th & 8th at the Atlantic City Convention Center.
Preschool November Lunch Menu🍂
Our Little Clippers are all smiles and excitement as they join in the fun! 🌟🖍️ Celebrating laughter, learning, and little moments that make a big difference! 🎃👻
Clayton's Board Members showing their support at last night's "Fright Night!" The event was a spectacular success, filled with spooky decorations and a lively atmosphere that brought the community together.
The CCC tapped into their feelings this Halloween, dressing up as characters from the Disney movie, Inside Out! 👻
Clayton Public School District wishes everyone a fun and safe evening! In Clayton, the Trick or Treat hours are set for tonight from 4 PM to 8 PM.
Congratulations to Valerie Dzindzio on her retirement from Clayton Public Schools! Valerie has been the Administrative Assistant for the Clayton Child Study Team for 27 years! Have a great retirement Val! You will be missed!!
Come join us TONIGHT for a fun night of Trick or Treating (indoors) and a Haunted Trail!
Date & Time: TONIGHT! October 30th 6:00 PM - 7:30 pm
Location: Clayton High School
All children ages 12 and under are welcome to come and trick or treat.
Note: Entrance will be at the set of doors adjacent to gymnasium parking lot. Everyone will exit from the Performing Arts Center.
Haunted Trail at PAC!
No charge for the event.
Please bring any canned good donations to the door to assist us with our local food drive!!!
Join us for a Family Fun Night!